Google Reader Stats II

essay service p>I love Google Reader and like to check out my trends every so often to see how many items I’ve been reading & sharing.  My guess was that the number of read, shared and starred items would have…

Carrying two phones

I have made the tough decision, at least it was tough for me, to lug around two mobile phones.  Why?  It’s part of a much larger strategy to find tools that work for me.  For instance, I just purchased a…

Testing out iPhone App

Last week I wrote a test post from my blackberry using BB Meta Blog. Today, I am testing out the iPhone WordPress App. It is certainly more polished than the blackberry app and is focused on supporting WordPress. However, I…

Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day

Geeks of Doom is reporting that filming has officially started on the sequel to Boondock Saints.  I know Codiac will be excited.  Below is a video with Sean Patrick Flanery answering fan questions from their You Tube channel for those…

Tweet What You Spend

This is a great idea. I am going to give it a trial spin this week and see if I can keep up with it.  I have tried out several different methods for tracking what I spend, but always let…


I broke down and decided to get myself a new notebook.  My last purchase was a mammoth desktop replacement notebook from Gateway.  Even though it is about 4 years old, it’s still perfectly good.  Coming it at 2ghz and 1gig…

eReader Bliss

Very snazzy device from Plastic Logic that was presented at DEMO.  I’ve held off on buying a kindle, but I think I would invest in this device. via CrunchGear

Fisher Space Pen

After reading about it and then seeing it at the local Staples, I decided to go ahead and purchase the Bullet Space Pen in Matte Black by Fisher.  Closed it’s a mere 3.75 inches, pop the cap off and attach…