Category: Web

Google Reader Stats II

essay service p>I love Google Reader and like to check out my trends every so often to see how many items I’ve been reading & sharing.  My guess was that the number of read, shared and starred items would have…

Firefox 3 grabs Guinness World Record

According to Thanks to the support of the always amazing Mozilla community, we now hold a Guinness World Record for the most software downloaded in 24 hours. From 18:16 UTC on June 17, 2008 to 18:16 UTC on June…

ScribeFire & Firefox

I’ve already written before about how much I like Windows Live Writer and I am still using Flock, but I’ve found yet another blogging tool that I find both easy & convenient to use. ScribeFire is a Firefox extension that…

Testing out video sites

The excitement of having a new webcam hasn”t worn off yet. I decided to try out two more video services, & Mogulus. I took some pretty crappy video, mispronounced a few names, but all-in-all, enjoyed test driving both of…

First Video

Here I am testing out my new Logitech Quickcam Pro 9000. I want to start doing some video blog posts and video calls. Remember: be kind, I am camera shy!

Internet & Consumer Choice

The Pew Internet & American Life Project released a study(pdf) in May regarding the different search and purchase strategies used to buy goods online. Jack Loechner at The Center for Media Research has already done a good job of recapping…

Testing out Flock (again)

I”ve tested out Flock before, but only briefly.  I”ve decided to give it a more in depth try and see if I can get to like it.  Flock is built off of the Mozilla engine, but it is tailored to…

Sirius Internet Radio

I mentioned on Twitter that I was looking for a better way to stream music from Sirius.  Even though I have a Stiletto, I find that it is more convenient to listen via the computer when I am in my…

Social Media Advertising: Overhyped & Risky

Key takeaways: Ad executives think social media is overhyped. Advertising on social media & user generated content sites is risky. From the “2008 Prospects for Media Mergers and Acquisitions” survey released by AdMedia Partners. The doubts about the growth prospects…