I’m Back!

Well after an eventful trip to the gulf coast of Alabama, I have returned only slightly worse for the wear. I managed to get a cold, but other than that had an enjoyable time. Attached are some pics from my room, the beach, and one of me looking very sick on my balcony.

Walking on the Beach
Walking on the Beach

From my Balcony
On the Balcony

Me on the Balcony
Me on the Balcony


  1. now on a seroius note looks gorgeous down there… quite envious honestly get to have beach like that…..

    what a business trip, hope it was fun for ya, and glad you are back safely

  2. Internet is amazing little device. First Paris Hilton was struck with people hacking her cell phone. Well, more devastating than that was a hacker breaking into Junyor’s computer.

    Nice try Junyor, making it look like you spent your personal time on the beach on this trip. Well my crack team of investigators stumbled onto the truth!

    You dance-a-holic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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