Category: marketing

Green Marketing?

A post by Chris Keating over at The Wiccan Scientist regarding his growing skepticism over the environmental impact of plastic bags reminded me of a Burst Media study from earlier this month.   According the the survey, 65.3% of consumers say…

Agency Turnover

What is the top reason for dumping an agency?  Lack of innovation. On January 14th the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) Council released the findings of their annual Marketing Outlook survey.  Below the positive findings regarding spending for 2008 was a…

Ad Avoidance & Marketing Campaigns

I’ve always thought a good marketing campaign should include a focus on getting the ad avoiders.  Even if you don’t build your plan around them, you should spend some time focusing on what types of advertising & marketing vehicles (think…

Advertising Fast Stats

$500 billion dollars are being spent on ads, more than half of that in the US On an average day, The Average American consumes: 6 hours of Television 2.5 hours of Radio 31 minutes of Internet United States is 6%…

Ten Key Online Predictions for 2008

eMarketer has issued these 10 prediction for 2008.   Nothing particularly surprising about their assessment.   I give the agree/disagree/no comment after each. Online ads stay resilient. [agree] Video surge slows. [disagree] Social network advertising hits $1.6 billion.  [agree] Networking goes…

Marketing 2.0

Marketing is my day job and I typically reserve the blog for geeking out, but I’ve just read a great post by Hugh MacLeod over at gapingvoid entitled, “So What’s All This New Marketing Stuff, Anyway?”  I agree with what…