Flipboard for iPad
I am in love with the Flipboard app for iPad. I've used it to turn my Google Reader feeds into a magazine experience. The app does an amazing job of rendering the posts into an storyboard format that is a…
I am in love with the Flipboard app for iPad. I've used it to turn my Google Reader feeds into a magazine experience. The app does an amazing job of rendering the posts into an storyboard format that is a…
fat loss workouts for men div class='posterous_autopost'> This one goes on the bucket list. Shotover Jet commenced operations on the upper Shotover River in 1970 and was one of Queenstown’s first adventure activities, and over the years is one of…
An excellent tutorial from the 1930's on the principles and development of the differential gear. Posted via email from Random Thoughts full article here zp8497586rq
I wonder how this little guy managed to get all the way up to the third floor of our office building. Have no fear – he's been relocated to greener pastures. Posted via email from The Brian Junyor Project where…
SMART Goals Specific Well defined Clear to anyone that has a basic knowledge of the project Measurable Know if the goal is obtainable and how far away completion is Know when it has been achieved Agreed Upon Agreement with all…
%%anc%% div class=”posterous_autopost”> Last week, we announced that the Google Docs viewer supports .doc and .docx attachments. Today we’re also releasing a mobile version of the Google Docs viewer for Android, iPhone and iPad to help you view PDFs, .ppt,…
Lightning strikes three of the tallest buildings in Chicago at the same time! from Craig Shimala on Vimeo. For the third time in the last 6 days, another line of nasty storms rolled through Chicago on Wednesday evening. I love…
%%anc%% div class='posterous_autopost'> Here is a quick test of the video recording and editing capabilities on the iPhone 4. This video was shot in low light while the iPhone was held stationary with an In Your Face viewbase. I used…
software downloaddiv class='posterous_autopost'> The challenge: Find my friend a stylish monitor stand / notebook dock. It was harder to find than I thought. A trip to Staples, Office Depot, and Office Max turned up bulky plastic eyesores that would have…
bonus online casino div class='posterous_autopost'> We headed out at 6:30 AM to the Apple Store at Willow Bend Mall in Plano, Texas. If I had to guess, I'd say that when we arrived shortly after 7:00 AM, we had about…